Recyclage de métaux, acier et ferrailles

Ferrous metal price list

Ferrous metal pricing such as iron, steel, cast iron, automobiles and other vehicles.

Photo Product Description Price Unit
#1 O/S Cutting torch #1 O/S Cutting torch Ex: Tank of 2000 liters or more or very thick steel 140.00 MT
Steel #1 Steel #1 Steel #1: measuring 5’x18’’ (maximum) by ¼” thickness (minimum). 210.00 MT
Steel #1 O/S Steel #1 O/S O/S Steel #1: measuring more than 5’x18’’ by ¼” thickness (minimum). 200.00 MT
Mixed Steel: Mixt, sheet metal and #2hms Mixed Steel: Mixt, sheet metal and #2hms Household appliances, wrought iron, sheet and miscellaneous steel less than ¼" thick. 200.00 MT
Vehicules Vehicules Cars and trucks witg registration paper (ogligatory) 200.00 MT
Bushelling #1 and #2 Bushelling #1 and #2 New unsoldered machine clippings or cut-offs. 210.00 MT
car carcass car carcass Without motor 140.00 MT
Frost fence , steel cable Frost fence , steel cable 30 MT
Cast iron #1 Cast iron #1 Prepared machinery cast with no steel attachments 200.00 MT
Cast iron #2 Cast iron #2 Cast iron bathtubs, cast iron radiators, cast iron pipes, etc. 200.00 MT
Fonte incassable Fonte incassable Plus de 12" d'épaisseur. EX: pesée grue 47 MT
Cast iron rotor et drum Cast iron rotor et drum 250.00 MT
Turnings Turnings 100.00 MT

Please note that rates are subject to change without notice.

1 metric tons MT = 2,204 lbs.

See the list of non-ferrous metals See the list of electronic equipment